Saturday, July 23, 2011

What would Ophelia wear?

I was invited to make a coffin for the "Earthly Remains" show at Gallery Xue, and used the images of Ophelia's death from Millais juxtaposed with lotuses to symbolize rebirth in a more enlightened state. The coffins can be seen here:

The show inspired me to wonder what an SL Ophelia would wear. So here is my answer.

I'm wearing a dress called The Evil under the Sun: Hippie Bordeaux from artMEfashion in Caledon Moors: The hair is called Venus and comes from Exile: The pose is by Matthias Byron and is called Float Mixte Animation. The picture was taken in my coffin and overlaid with images of flowers and water. Plants in the photo were made by Elicio Ember, Vitrail Illios and Pandore Jarvis.

1 comment:

  1. I later made a new coffin because I didn't have transfer permissions for the plants, so this one is no longer on display.
